Student directors need to document their process, including showing clearly the reasons for the directorial choices they have made. Here’s is an outline for a Student Director’s Book. Along with the materials outlined below, it would also include:
- A copy of the script
- All blocking written into the script
- Any research materials
- Reactions to each rehearsal, including what the director has learned, how the show is progressing and frustrations/concerns
The book would be in a three-ring, hardcover binder.
Page One/Cover
This page would contain the following:
- Title of play
- Name of playwright
- Name of director
- Cast List with names of actors
Page Two: Rehearsal Schedule
Here’s an example of what a schedule would include.
Tuesday July 22 1 – 4 pm
- meet actors, finalize rehearsal schedule
- read through script
- discuss concept, characterization
- determine costumes
Wednesday July 23 1 – 4 pm
- work on blocking (gross movement)
- develop “business” (prop use)
- begin character development
Thursday July 24 1 – 4 pm
- fine-tune the blocking (stage pictures)
- complete character development
- work on tempo/pace
Friday July 25 9 – 10 am
- run through to fine-tune blocking
- “warm up” character
- work on temp/pace
10 am + Presentation
Page Three: Properties List
As this is, due to time, more of a presentation than a performance, we have opted to mime many of the props. If we were to perform this piece, I would have nothing mimed – all the props would be furnished. To indicate this, props listed in Plain Text are those that we are using in our “performance,” while those listed in Italics are those that would be included in the actual performance of this piece. Below is the prop list for a play entitled Simply Selma.
Scene 1
2 plates
2 glasses
sandwich fixing;, fried green tomatoes with sweet potatoes, applesauce and cottage cheese; jar of pickles, table cloth and napkins; iced tea
Scene 2
deck of cards
coat on rack, money in coat pocket; fixings for a sandwich
Scene 3
3 plates
3 glasses
flowers and bottle of wine; entire meal consisting of chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, homemade bread and apple pie with vanilla ice cream; iced tea in pitcher; record for stereo
Scene 4
record for stereo
Page Four: Visual Images about “Simply Selma”
This page includes photos, artwork, sketches and other visual representations of the play’s themes, characters, emotions, tone, and atmosphere. By utilizing images a director may be able to better define what the play is about, refine his/her vision of the script and communicate ideas to actors and others in a clear, concise manner. (Note: this section may be more than one page long.)
Page Five: Script Analysis
Below are the basic elements of script analysis that every director needs to use.
Given circumstances
- Present day, perhaps up to a decade or so
- Retains Southern charm and social manners
- Southern home, near Sedena and Route 60
- Utilizes the kitchen and porch of a small home
– Must have kitchen table and chairs, sink, stove, refrigerator, with two doors that lead to front porch and back bedrooms, television
- Additional areas are mentioned – bedrooms, back porch
- Michael’s home is nearby
- Home is surrounded by a lawn that in the past has gone unattended
- Mama has lived in the home for over two decades
Environmental facts
- Small community where most people know each other
Society / Social Environment
- Small community with closed mind-set, traditional stereotypes
- Strip clubs are well-attended, so much so that girls are very well paid
- Selma is earning degree at Tech school, Michael did as well
- Selma cares for her ailing, widowed mother
Political environment
- Nice girls don’t work at strip clubs
- Nice guys can’t date strippers
- Men are allowed to oggle women for the right price
Previous Action
Selma has returned home to care for her mother, after completing only a year of schooling (most likely a tech school rather than a college). She has not dated in over a year, though she doesn’t at first think it’s been that long. Each of her previous relationships have ended badly (though not in the cutting we’re doing) and she has been left questioning the value of such relationships. She is totally devoted to her mother and her mother’s welfare.
Mama has a physical condition that keeps her from working and caring for herself. She has been recently widowed and joined by her dutiful daughter. She tries hard not to interfere with Selma’s work but feels very comfortable trying to manipulate her love life, which she sees as a way of helping. She wishes that Selma could find as nice a man as her deceased husband was (indicated in portion that was cut). She is obviously lonely and deeply desires company, from Selma cutting work to Michael staying for long visits.
Michael has been to the Tech and has developed his own business, which he takes great pride in. He is one of the guys, but shies away from the more seemly activities of his male friends. He admires Selma for her dedication to her mother, but at the same time, avoids visiting his own parents (hasn’t seen them in a couple months). He is easily impressed by images (like Selma’s being in the “entertainment industry”) but remains very old-fashioned in his values (despite the fact that he doesn’t practice a faith).
Character Analysis
Character: Selma
– to help her mother as much as she can
– to earn a living AND get ahead by going to school
– to find someone to accept her for who she is
Dramatic Action
– her devotion shows itself in physical actions (both affections and deeds)
– not stubborn but very independent by necessity
– struggles with her job versus her goals
– struggles to be accepted by others (and even herself a bit)
– very strong and determined
– would rather put her own reputation into question than have her mother struggle on her own
– however, she does struggle with the choices she’s been forced to make which is clear shown in the final scene when she cries for the loss she feels (not just Michael, but her need to strip in ordre to survive)
– while not modest, she does not sell her virtue
– compassionate to a fault
– values family (which Michael doesn’t)
Personality traits
– energetic, confident
– compassionate
– a little lonely? At least, seeking someone to love
– a stripper for money but doesn’t have her heart in it
– desires to finish school and have a better lifestyle
– pretty, desirable
– emotionally well-adjusted considering her circumstances
– clearly understands the implications of her current job in society
– dutifully cares for her mother and understands Mama’s needs
– desires so much more than life has dealt her and will work for it
– protagonist
– loves her mother as seen in her actions
– becomes quite fond of Michael
– has loving memory of deceased father
Character: Mama / Gladys
– to help her daughter as much as she can
Dramatic Action
– her devotion shows itself in physical affection
– dependent but not by choice
– physical ailment that prevents her from doing what she would like to
– struggles with the direction her daughter’s life has taken
– struggles with being lonely
– determined to help her daughter, despite Selma’s objections
– has definite desires but is unable to fulfill them
– traditional beliefs, from prayer to modesty
– Selma’s happiness is utmost in her mind
Personality traits
– dependent
– helpful in a somewhat manipulative way
– lonely but friendly (likeable)
– cannot work due to impaired health
– looks and acts older than her years
– emotionally well-adjusted considering her daughter’s occupation
– clearly understands the circumstances of her life
– feels the void left by husband’s parting, deeply
– desires so much more than life offers for her daughter
– loves her daughter beyond all else, unconditionally
– likes Michael so long as he treats her daughter well
– misses her departed spouse
Character: Michael
– to meet the perfect wife
– to succeed at his business
Dramatic Action
– self-assured, confident
– impressed easily (by Selma, by Mama, by his friends)
– perhaps a bit gullible?
– struggles with finding someone to share his life with
– struggles the impression he gives others
– not incredibly strong, especially compared to the women
– easily swayed by all the others in his life, except his parents
– seems to be open-minded – he is honest
– seems to believe in people, but this proves false
– ends up having extremely traditional values to a fault
Personality traits
– independent and pretty content
– helpful and generous (with Mama)
– not exactly manipulative, but he does let Mama set him up with Selma
– great looking, a perfect gentleman in an old-fashioned way
– doesn’t look beyond simple appearances
– not very open-minded, in the end, very judgmental
– desires a traditional wife but not much more
– infactuated with Selma (not in love, because he can’t accept her as is)
– kind to Mama, not just for Selma but because he’s a nice guy
– ignores his own parents
– swayed by his friends’ (society’s) opinion
Final Thoughts on The Book
The director’s prompt book is a good way for students to formalize their ideas about a play, develop a plan of action and create a document of the entire process.